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Essay Database > Literature > English
Factors associated with a successful marriage in the United States are the spouse is the best friend, the spouse is like as a person, marriage is a long-term commitment, and that marriage is sacred. The social and psychological background of the vast majority of married couples in this society occur between two people of the same social class, within the same racial group, of the same religion, with similar levels of education, with the same …

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…children are abused each year. The principle cause of child abuse are constant transgressions, aggressiveness in boys, and under three years of age by stepparents. Males abuse females to punish and control them as well as to get their attention. Females engage in violence for self-defense, to escape an abusive male, in retaliation of abuse, and out of anger for an abusive partner. The nuclear family is actually the precondition for modernization not the consequence.