Notes on vietnam war

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Pages: 8
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Essay Database > History
America's longest war ended more than two decades ago, yet a number of significant and important questions remain unanswered: What was the nature of the modern Vietnamese revolution? How can we explain the American intervention? Why did the war drag on so long? Critics of the American intervention claim that the war was unnecessary and immoral and that policymakers in Washington dragged the country into an unwanted war. In contrast, a small group of scholars …

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…the record of the Mennonite church -- like that of her members -- reflects a continuum of faithfulness, from clear to blurred. To this day, forgiveness and reconciliation are needed to heal the wounds of that war. The U.S. still deals with Vietnam under the Trading-with-the-Enemy Act. Canada, however, has established diplomatic relations with Vietnam. The war in Vietnam -- like all war -- caused untold suffering and created more problems than it solved