Notes on the film "Make Love not War"

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
<Tab/>The part of the video we watched, "Make Love Not War," gave the feel of American society in the 1960's. After the Second World War, the American economy was booming. There was massive building up of infrastructure for "the Great Society." Segregation was in practice, and the blacks were economically repressed. This was the time of Lyndon B. Johnson, and Kennedy, the Vietnam War; the time of the Beatles, and …

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…and norms of society. This repression was finally resisted against by the Hippies, who started defying everything that represented the norm. Gone were those days when people blindly trusted their government, and asked "not what the country could do for them, but what they could do for the country." People, in a way, looked more for personal gain, than for the good for the country, by refuting the Vietnam War, and fighting for their country.