Notes on "An Inspector Calls" for GCSE

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Essay Database > Literature
An Inspector Calls Notes The drama centres around a group of characters in the same setting. The theme is the effect of an individual's actions over a period of time, their individual and collective responsibility for their actions, and the consequences of them. The audience and the characters progress from ignorance to knowledge. The setting doesn't change - there's nothing to distract the audience's attention from the unfolding events. It seems at first to be …

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…person. Birling insists it's a hoax or a joke, but Sheila thinks it's anything but. She is amazed that the family can pretend nothing has happened. She says they at last began to learn something about themselves, and yet now they're ready to go on in the same old way. Then the anonymous phone call is made - a suspected suicide. The whole thing is thrown wide open again. We are back to square one.