Notes from the underground

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
PART #2 CHAPTERS 1-2 Summary The UM starts out talking about the office he worked in when he was twenty-four: apparently he hated everyone there and likewise, they hated him. The narrative then derails while the UM describes the Russian national character, which he believes eliminates fools and elevates Romantics who appreciate the "sublime and beautiful." Returning to his description of his life, he notes that he had no friends and was always alone, spending most …

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…interact with other people. By the end of the Notes, the UM is an indisputably ambiguous character. He refers to himse lf as an "anti-hero," but the UM is neither hero nor anti-hero. Remember that Dostoevsky strove to depict real people. By the time we meet him, the UM has suffered a lifetime of fearing real life, a lifetime apart from the "real" world, confined instead to isolation, solitude, and masochism. Bibliography Internet- Spark notes