Notes for the beatles, an assesment I done a few years ago, these notes were very helpful

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Who and What is on the Front Cover of The Beatles' Album Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band? 1.Sri Yukestawar Giri (Guru) 2. Aleister Crowley (Dabbler in Sex, Drugs and Magic) 3. Mae West (Actress) 4. Lenny Bruce (Comic) 5. Karlheinz Stockhausen (Composer) 6. W.C.(William Claude) Fields (Actor/Comic) 7. Carl Gustav Jung (Psychologist) 8. Edgar Allen Poe (Writer) 9. Fred Astaire (Actor) 10. Richard Merkin (Artist) 11. Das Varga Girl (by Artist Alberto Vargas) 12. * Leo Gorcey (Actor) 13. Huntz Hall (Actor with Leo …

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…month later in July 1960, Lennon again changed the name, this time back to "The Silver Beatles." This lasted until August 16, 1960, when the name was changed back to "The Beatles," and the rest as they say is history. So, let's take a quick review of the names again: The Black Jacks The Quarry Men Johnny and the Moondogs The Nerk Twins The Beatals The Silver Beetles The Silver Beats The Beatles The Silver Beatles The Beatles