Notes For AP European History

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Pages: 86
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Essay Database > History > European History
-EuroHistory Notes -Hapsburg family lands were Austria, Hungary, and Bohemia -Hohenzollerns ruled Prussia, which became a strong united country under Frederick the Great -Kings became powerful during the late middle ages by gaining power over taxes, military and law -Louis XIV of France was among the first absolute kings in Europe -Charles I of England was beheaded by Parliament when he tried to act like an absolute King -Parliament made ministerial responsibility meaning the PM …

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…Croats -1991 Slobodav Milosevic, leader of Serbia, tried to make Yugoslavia more unified so Slovenia, Macedonia seceded -1992 Bosnia and Croatia tried to secede from the Yugoslav Federation but the ethnic races in those states start civil wars -Milosevic helped the Slavic forces in Bosnia and as the Serbian forces did ethnic cleansing, NATO, led by the USA, intervened -1995 Dayton Accords split up Bosnia and put NATO peacemakers in the region to keep peace