"Not good enough intentions" Ways to improve high school...Q: How can our school improve and make it better for the students? Note:You must change the name of school to your own

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
Not Good Enough Intentions The faculty at South Tahoe High School has good intentions for the students they are preparing for graduation. Although they try hard to prepare students for the real world and make them better citizens through the process, it seems as if they have a sort of tunnel vision by expecting the same thing from every student. The faculty cannot relate to the students. Therefore, the list of expectations for the "ideal …

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…their students. If we all worked together to understand one another's points of view and pushed each other in order to strive for perfection, our school would be able to unite and become a better learning environment. Teachers have good intentions for the students at STHS, but perhaps they don't realize that the intentions aren't as good as they possibly could be, and that we can be as good, and even better, than they think.