Nostalgia for Napalm

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Essay Database > History
Listening to right-wing radio, one cannot help but notice a palpable nostalgia for the Vietnam War. Recently, people calling in to radio programs dealing with the presidential race tend to complain about John Kerry's eventual opposition to the war, implying that the U.S. war effort was somehow a righteous cause. The idea is that the U.S. effort, no matter how ideologically vague or politically misconstrued, was essentially altruistic as it represents an attempt …

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…South-east Asia. When the war is viewed in terms of its original objectives, one cannot help but conclude that the U.S. had no moral right to murder people in a country half-way across the globe With this in mind, my personal opinion on Kerry and the Vietnam period is that Kerry's opposition to the war and his discarding of his metals afterwards is one of the few really good reasons to vote for him.