Northern Lights by Philip Pullman / What is the symbolism of daemons

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Essay Database > Literature > Biographies
'Northern Lights' by Philip Pullman revolves around Lyra and her daemon Pantalaimon who are journeying North to rescue their friend Roger from an evil organization run by Lyra's estranged mother. Set in an alternate dimension , daemons are a huge factor in this story with their symbolism allowing for a better understanding of the story and characters for both readers and characters. People and their daemons are connected and cannot survive apart. 'Lyra exulted in it , …

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…huge part of this story as they help their characters in decision making and help the readers to understand and connect with them. I think that they represent many things ; a person's soul , personality , conscience and emotions. I feel that daemons allowed me to certainly connect with the story as we also have daemons. Daemons are our thoughts , feelings , personalities and consciences personified so that they can walk , talk and feel like us. They represent