Northern Ireland, part 3

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Essay Database > History > European History
The joint framework document is an attempt at peace set in 1995 with the British and Irish governments. One of the ideas is to set up a new government(parliament) for Northern ireland so it can meet regulary with the Southern council. In these meetings they would discuss a whole range of issues of both sides common intrests. Future peace talks would be assisted by the ira on the conditon that they decomisoned all of their …

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…this luckily resultd in no injures but a wholes structure being blown up. They did this because they are not commited to peaceful discussions but violent measures, another bomb was again set by the IRA on August 15th 1998 in Omagh, only a few people lost their lives tragicly. There is still fighting one incident was the Orange Order in Dumcree they marched through a catholic area this angered the catholics which then lead to violence.