Northern Ireland: The Troubles.

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Essay Database > History > European History
There were extreme and moderate politicians. Some politicians supported the idea of segregation, discrimination and a protestant rule. Others stated that the differences were the choice of Catholics or they tried to improve rights for Catholics. Some protestant politicians thought that the majority should rule. Two thirds of Northern Ireland's population was Protestant and one third were Catholic. Ian Paisley formed the Ulster Protestant Action group. He claimed that because Catholics were not loyal to …

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…Protestants. He didn't spend his time only on Protestants but also Catholics. He wanted the Protestants and Catholics united in economic factors. He invited the Taoiseach Sean Lemass to Belfast in 1965. In 1967 a new Taoiseach, Jack Lynch was elected in the Republic. O'Neill met him as well and made the point of shaking his hand publicly. To the watching world, the prospect that Catholics and Protestants can bond socially and peacefully was greater then ever.