North South Colonies

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Essay Database > History
Southern Colonies: Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia The southern colony was the first area to be settled and because of their inexperience many lives were lost. The first settlers settled in the inland peninsula because they wanted to prevent a surprise attack from the Spanish. What the settlers failed to prevent was sickness, many died from malaria because the area they settled in was the breeding ground for it. Many of the people …

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…and pruned fruits trees, salted beef and pork and pressed cider, milked cows and churned butter, kept bees and tended poultry, cooked and baked, washed and ironed, spun, wove, and sewed. Women suffered legal disadvantage as well. English common law and colonial legal codes accord married women no control over property. Wives could not sue or be sued, they could not make contracts, and they surrendered to their husbands any property they possessed before marriage.