North Carolina During the Revo

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Essay Database > History
The colony of North Carolina faced problems unique to itself preceding the Revolution. The colony had a general low diversity in its population, with most citizens being farmers. It suffered from internal unrest just before the American Revolution as a result of the War of Regulation (1768-1771). Also contributing to civil dismay within the colony was the large population of Tories, which later led to an overwhelming sense of anti-federalism within the colony. These factors …

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…is a state of low class farmers with strong political ideals, and they are willing to wage war against each other as a result. Any colony with such anxiety within its borders should have rightfully been deemed savage. Works Cited Crow, Jeffrey J. A Chronicle of North Carolina During the American Revolution, 1763-1789. Raleigh. North Carolina State University Graphics. 1975. Powell, William S. North Carolina Through Four Centuries. Chapel Hill. The University Of North Carolina Press. 1989.