Noras Pride

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Nora Helmer in a A Dolls House is a women ahead of her time. In order to protect her children from a false life, she inflicts tragedy upon herself by leaving every thing she has by walking away. She puts herself in this tragic situation by not being honest. Nora lies to herself and the ones she cares about. Before she leaves her life is not her own person she is carrying on life as …

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…the final dramatic scene of the play she explains to Trovalt that she feels like his little doll in a doll house. She leaves and wants no contact with Trovalt or children. Nora wants to begin a new life. All through out her marriage, she was not who she wanted to be, she was the perfect image of a wife. She walks away feeling excited, yet inside, is full of tragedy, and full of pride.