Nora vs. Antigone

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X were both respected ministers and established leaders of the African-American people. Although most whites often say that they were "like oil and water", these two men, how different they may have seemed to be, had the same goal: They wanted to end exploitation, discrimination and racism. Both had been deeply influenced by their fathers, especially by their religion and attitude towards whites. Malcolm emerged from the black underclass …

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…and the poor people, they achieved a lot, and especially became role-models for the African-American youth. Martin and Malcolm probably could have accomplished even greater changes and prevented many crisis, if they hadn't been assassinated at the age of 39. Today their daughters, Yolanda King and Attallah Shabazz, are working together, and their widows, Coretta Scott King and Dr. Betty Shabazz, continue to spread the ideas of these two men, who tried to transform America's thinking.