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Essay Database > Literature > English
Child Abuse Child abuse is not a very pleasant topic to discuss. But it is an issue that inevitably happens in our society and has happened for many years. The occurrence of child maltreatment in our society is probably not something many people would like to admit. For most people, the thought that someone could physically or sexually abuse a child or to abandon or neglect a child is unthinkable. Where and why does child …

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…and placed in prison (p. 7). As a result of the Mary Ellen Wilson case, the New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children was founded (Quimbach). The objective of the New York SPCC was to rescue children from homes that infringed upon their morals, hindered their safety, health, or welfare (Nelson, p. 8). They did not attempt to rehabilitate families, but simply to remove children from their homes that hindered their well-being. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**