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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
In the Foreword, Stephen L Carter writes about "(preserving) a vision of America that almost nobody really believes in but almost everybody desperately wants to. In this vision, we are united in a common enterprise and governed by common consent. (W)e are people of good will, aiming at a fairer, more integrated society, which we will achieve through the actions of our essentially fair institutions. And the key to this enterprise ... is voting. ... (T)…

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…She concludes, "Justice Potter Stewart wrote in 1964 that our form of representative self-government reflects 'the strongly felt American tradition that the public interest is composed of many diverse interests, (which) ... in the long run ... can better be expressed by a medley of component voices than by the majority's monolithic command.' ... I hope we rediscover the bold solution to the tyranny of The Majority, which has always been more democracy, not less." p 20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**