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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
The FBI In 1908, Attorney General Charles Bonaparte originated the Federal Bureau of Investigation from a force of Special Agents. The FBI, as it is referred to today, was started during the Presidency of Theodore Roosevelt. The beginning investigations for the FBI were mostly violations of laws involving national banking, bankruptcy, naturalization, antitrust, espionage, and land fraud (, 3). In June 1910, the first major expansion of the bureau happened, when the Mann (White Slave) Act was …

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…today, because the Bureau was originally set up for investigation banking, bankruptcy, naturalization, antitrust, espionage, and land fraud. Today, the FBI has pretty much an unlimited jurisdiction anywhere in the world, because the FBI investigates any crime that is in anyway related to the United States. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography** July 2, 2000. July 2, 2000. July 3, 2000.