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Essay Database > Literature > English
Al Capone By: Sidney Vicious E-mail: Alphonse Capone was born in New York City by two parents Gabriel and Teresa Capone. Capone's parents immigrated to the United States in 1893 from Naples, Italy. Capone came from a large family and was the fourth oldest of nine children. (Kobler 10). As a child, Capone was very wise when it came to living on the streets of New York. He had a clever mind when it …

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…judged insane and was released to the care of his family. (Sifakis 613 ) In January 1947 Capone had a massive brain hemorrhage and died. His body was removed from his estate in Florida and transferred back to the seen of his underworld triumph, Chicago. The family held a private ceremony at the cemetery, but were affraid of grave robbers taking the corpse so they reburied Capone in a secret place in Mt. Carmel Cemetery. (Kobler 122) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**