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Essay Database > Literature > English
ALLEN GINSBERG Allen Ginsberg was born in Newark, New Jersey, in 1926, to a Jewish Russian immigrant family. His father, Louis, was a published poet, a high school teacher and a moderate Jewish Socialist. His mother, Naomi, was a radical Communist who went insane and got institutionalized in early adulthood. While dealing with his mother's problems, he was struggling with his own budding homosexuality. In the 1940's, Ginsberg entered Columbia University as a pre-law student, but …

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…and environmental destruction. "Ginsberg is often called the father of the Beat ! Generation with good reason," (Kherdian 135). In conclusion, is a quote by Edward Foster: At the very least, the Beats constitute an essential link in that specifically American literary tradition, traceable to Emerson and Thoreau, which insists that the individual is superior to any consensus and that poetry and fiction, on so far as they testify to this, constitute a sacred task. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**