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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Euthanasia in Today's Society Euthanasia in today's society brings about many disagreements about the rights and wrongs of euthanasia. Although death is unavoidable for human beings, suffering before death is unbearable not only for terminal patients but also for the family members and friends. Euthanasia comes from the Greek word "Thanatos" meaning death and the prefix "Eu" meaning easy or good (Russell 94). Thus, "eu- Thanatos” means easy or good death. Euthanasia is a better choice …

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…Human Sciences Press, 1977. Society for the Right to Die. The Physician and the Hopelessly Ill Patient.New York: Society for the Right to Die, 1985. Michael D. "Defining the Right to Die." Time15 April 1996. 82. Moroney, Catherine. "Three Choices for Death." America21 November 1992. Nichols, Mark. "Dying by Choice." Maclean's Magazine. 20 May 1996. 47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography** William, J. Gay. "The Wrongfulness of Euthanasia." Intervention and Reflection: Basic Issues in Medical Ethics. Ed. Ronald Munson. Gilford, Connecticut: Dushkin Publishing Group Inc, 1979