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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Recreation Management Issues of Vancouver Pacific Spirit Regional Park Introduction Pacific Spirit Regional Park is located on the outer limits of Point Grey in Vancouver. Today, the park is spread over 809 ha of land and provides a plethora of recreation opportunities. However, this was not always the case as the park only became recognized as a regional recreation area in 1989. Before this, the area now known as Pacific Spirit Park was not in fact a …

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…in order to meet the ever changing needs of society. Appendix 1 References Cited Jubenville, A. And B.W. Twight. 1993. Outdoor Recreation Management: Theory and Application 3rd Ed. State College, PA. Venture Publishing, Inc. Group discussion. 2000. During class tour of pathways. Wednesday, October 11. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography** References Cited Jubenville, A. And B.W. Twight. 1993. Outdoor Recreation Management: Theory and Application 3rd Ed. State College, PA. Venture Publishing, Inc. Group discussion. 2000. During class tour of pathways. Wednesday, October 11.