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Essay Database > Literature > English
The Jungle Summary The Jungle begins at the veselija (wedding ceremony) of Jurgis and Ona Rudkus. Jurgis and Ona are Lithuanian immigrants who come to America in hopes of finding a better life. Along with them come a group of family and friends; Marija Berczynsleas (Onas cousin), Teta Elzbieta Lukoszaite (Onas stepmother), Jonas (Teta Elzbieta's brother), Teta Elzbieta's six children (Jouzapas, Kotrina, Kristoforas, Nikalojus, Stanislovas, and Vilimas Lukoszaite), and Dede Antanas (Jurgis Grandfather). All come …

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…until one day Antanas dies. Jurgis then abandons the family and goes out on his own. He travels around on his own for a while and becomes involved in Chicago's underworld of crime. Eventually, Jurgis wanders back to Elzbieta and the family. He becomes heavily involved in the Socialist movement in Packingtown. He finally feels he can do something about the injustice that is inflicted upon the Packingtown working class. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography** My own work