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Essay Database > History
Discuss Dalleck's account of Johnson's handling of the Vietnam War from 1964 to 1968. What were his reasons for fighting the war? What was his reasoning behind key decisions? In taking over the mantle of President of the United States from John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Baines Johnson appeared to inherit a number of loose ends both domestically and internationally. On the international front the most prominent concern was the situation in Vietnam and the continued presence of …

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…summation, Johnson, was a man and a President who wanted to finish what his predecessor, Kennedy had started. Although he inherited the war, he had a choice, he chose to take the plunge and escalate US involvement and embroil her in a conflict it was destined to loss. In part we could suggest as Dalleck does, that the war in Vietnam was seen by Johnson as a means to promote his own standing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**