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Essay Database > Literature > English
Chromatography Lab Purpose: Separation of Leaf Pigments by Paper Chromatography Materials: Pigment extract from spinach leaves Strips of chromatography paper Scissors Large test tubes with corks and pins Test tube rack Pipettes Chromatographic solvent (8% acetone; 92% petroleum ether) Contained labeled "waste chromatographic solvent" Methods: 1. Obtain a strip of chromatography paper this is approximately the same length as the large test tube that you will be using. Handle only the edges of the paper! 2. Trim one end …

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…a stationary phase to separate the components in a mixture. Carotene (yellow-orange) having the lowest molecular weight moves the most rapidly up the paper, hence its position at the top of the paper. This is followed in order by tanin (gray), xanthophyllis (yellow), chlorophyll a (blue-green), with chlorophyll b (yellow-green or light green) at the bottom due to its highest molecular weight. References: Tissue, Brian M., ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**