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Essay Database > Literature > English
The Scientific Revolution Essay written by A paradigm is one's world view in which one understands his place in it. Copernicus, Galileo, Vesalius, Linneaus, Luewenhoek, and Newton were all medieval scientists, whose work changed people's lives and the world. The way man viewed the universe in which he lived, the world of nature that surrounded him, and even his own physical anatomy changed right before him. Scientists, like Galileo, disproved the heliocentric …

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…this period of time in history. For the most part, the people still believed what the Church said was the trut! h. The Church remained a strong influence by leading their people to believe that if they wanted to go to Heaven they would not believe the new information unless the Church recognized it as the truth. Therefore, they would continue to believe what the Bible, Aristotle, and the Church said was true. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**