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Essay Database > Literature > English
In 1989, Dr. Gerbode and I [Gerald French] and Helen Burgess--a facilitator and professional member of IRM--were using Traumatic Incident Reduction (TIR) with a number of Vietnam combat vets who had been diagnosed as having PTSD. Tom Joyce, a freelance writer and a member of the Institute's Board of Directors, was a guest at that year's IRM conference where he heard an address by one of those vets-- "Jack", in the accompanying essay. Subsequently he sought …

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…of females develop PTSD as a result. As indicated by the prevalence rates, PTSD is about twice as common among females. The age at onset varies according to the age at which the traumatic experience occurred. PTSD is often a chronic disorder associated with significant di! sability and handicap, affecting relationships, work, and physical health. Half recover within five years, the speed of recovery being greater for individuals who have received professional treatment. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**