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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
Bound by Rules Date: October 5, 2000 By: Tarelle Osborn THE DEATH OF COMMON SENSE How Law Is Suffocating America. By Philip K. Howard Have rules replaced Thinking? This is the question that corporate lawyer, Philip Howard, asks of American law throughout his work. He argues that rules are simply not enough and that they cannot supercede human judgment. He believes that the excess of government regulations does not only not protect Americans, but in fact can …

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…country out its stupidity and back to sanity. Emotions will stir at mention of the book even weeks after you finish it. Anger, frustration, and a desire for an answer will drive you nuts. Perhaps, this was Mr. Howard's exact intention? Perhaps, he only wanted to share his thoughts that have plagued him with those same emotions; in hopes that maybe someone will find a solution to the problem with this current system of government?