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Essay Database > Literature > English
The children watched the old woman's house as the townsman light it aflame. They never knew a little lie could go so far. "They didn't have to kill her," a boy whispered loud enough for the other children to hear. She was known as 'the old lady with too many cats.' Though she mostly kept to herself, she wasn't bitter. When children hit a fly ball over her fence she gladly let them get …

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…lady's back yard the townspeople automatically came to the wrong conclusion. While the boy was just getting a baseball, which got hit over the fence, the parents concluded that the old lady kidnapped their little boy to cast horrible spells on. The townspeople screamed with fury. "Burn her, burn her house down!" the men chant with anger. The old lady didn't have much of say as they barricaded her door and lit the house aflame.