'Non-verbal communication may be as powerful as oral or written communication.' Discuss.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Communication Studies
The most basic form of communication to human beings is non-verbal, which is often unplanned and spontaneous but can give a greater impact than verbal communication. *Body language is the main medium for communicating non-verbally and takes place through facial expression, gestures and postures and physical contact; these all provide important clues as to our own and other people's behaviour and real feelings. *Facial expressions and eye movements, such as smiles and frowns, showing signs …

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…and position of an individual in a business organisation. In some cultures it is important to be late if you wish to demonstrate power and status. In other societies or business environments this would be considered disrespectful and even rude. In conclusion, non-verbal communication consists of: * Body language: Gestures, postures,eye movements, type of physical contact and voice characteristics * Personal appearance: Clothes, hair, make-up * Use of time and personal space: Manners, hospitality, respect, physical space