Non-verbal communication

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Non Verbal Communication By: Erin Daniels E-mail: How Does Nonverbal Behaviors Effect A Person ? People communicate everyday of their lives, but we rarely notice the nonverbal part of communication and how important it is to the meaning of the message. Facial expressions, posture, body movements, tone of voice and touching are all part of nonverbal communication. Often when people communicate they contradict the verbal and nonverbal messages, therefore the receiver of the …

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…expressions, touching, eye contact, body movement, and posture can all have meanings within themselves. Many people are not conscious of their nonverbal behaviors and what messages they are conveying. Perhaps the two ways to improve a persons nonverbal behaviors are useful in improving someone's communication skills . In improving a persons nonverbal communication skills he or she can apply them to his or her interpersonal relationships and better the quality of it as well. Word Count: 1729