Nokia and the mobile phone market

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Marketing and Advertising
TABLE OF CONTENT 1.Evolution of the Mobile Phone Market 2.Trends & Future of the mobile phone market 3.Nokia's Marketing Strategy 4.Competitors Strategies (especially Motorola and Ericsson) 5. Summary and conclusions The mobile phone market The birth of the mobile communication industry resulted of a professional need, which means that people on the move sometimes had to be contacted urgently. AT&T's Bell laboratories made it possible in 1979 in the United States permitted thousand of people …

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…ccess-story. -Nokia has shown character and compassion in their "Corporate Responsibility" policy -Nokia's products are for everyone! -The key word in Nokia's marketing mix is "all-round". Recommendations -Expansion into other markets , for example Household electronics, Computer hardware, or even cars. -Remain position in the mobile phone market. -Nokia needs a constant flow of new and fresh opinions, for example, an internationalisation of staff and/or acquisition of new companies would help to achieve this goal.