Noel Perrin's "A Part Time Marriage"
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Pages: 2
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Essay Database > Literature > English
First published September 9, 1984 in the New York Times magazine, Noel Perrin's "A Part Time Marriage," identifies the problems with modern marriages, as well as discusses the post-divorce behaviors of many middle class couples. He proposes his own resolution to these problems. Perrin feels that levels of intimacy can help in establishing the success of a relationship or marriage. I agree with him that elevated levels of intimacy and closeness will make for a longer and
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their children, even though they have lost all attraction for each other. Many will stay together because they have spent so much time and effort in building the relationship that they do not want to start all over from scratch with an-other partner. This is a matter that can easily be further discussed and yet we will probably never find an explanation for it. But for now, Perrin's concept of a part-time marriage could work.
their children, even though they have lost all attraction for each other. Many will stay together because they have spent so much time and effort in building the relationship that they do not want to start all over from scratch with an-other partner. This is a matter that can easily be further discussed and yet we will probably never find an explanation for it. But for now, Perrin's concept of a part-time marriage could work.