"Nobody Nowhere" by Donna Williams.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The name of the book that I read was Nobody Nowhere, and the author was Donna Williams. The book was an autobiography about an autistic woman named Donna Williams. She basically tells you what life is like mentally, physically, and emotionally for her. She starts telling her story at the age of three until the age of twenty-six. She never learned to speak until the age of ten, and even then all she could do …

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…disturbing and made me cry. This book was a definite learning experience for me and because of this book i became highly interested in helping and meeting others who are mentally ill like Donna was. So far ive been volunteering at my local hospital for seven months ever since I read this book helping out in the childrens ward reading and just playing with mentally ill children. I would definitly recommend this book to others!