No Smoking

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Smoke Free Restaurants Imagine sitting in a restaurant, enjoying a finely prepared steak. You suddenly lose your appetite at the thought of inhaling the toxic chemicals, which are floating your way from a cigarette the woman at the table next to you has just lit. Cigarette smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals. Exposure to environmental smoke or secondhand smoke is responsible for 51,000 non-smoker deaths in the United States each year (Banzhaf 1). In addition, cigarette smoke smell and …

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…decrease if purifying/cleaning systems were installed. The purifying equipment cleans the air so quickly that cigarette smoke seems non-existent. Every restaurant needs to make a clear distinction between smoking and non-smoking sections. Non-smokers do not wish to be subjected to deadly fumes that taint their meals. They have the right to eat in a restaurant and enjoy their food without having to worry about cigarette smoke, causing them health problems, or ruining their meal.