Nixon & The Media

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Essay Database > History
Superpower's today do not rely heavily on such factors as land, military and population anymore. They rely on something greater; an invisible hand, to control the eyes, ears, and perception on geographical boundaries, as well as people's knowledge. At present, the United States of America is the world's superpower. The country's presidents thus became known to be the most powerful leaders in the world. The only force that can change a president's status easily is …

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…and Delusion: The Watergate Decade Journale "" Acessed November 16, 1999 - Various "" The Nixon Library and Birthplace Foundation Accessed October 19, 1999 -Various "The Washington Post's Watergate Page", The Washington Post "" Accessed November 16, 1999 - Wills, Gary Nixon Agonistes (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1970) - Woodward, Bob. "Shadow: Five Presidents and the Legacy of Watergate 1974- 1999" June 15, 1999