Nixon and the watergate scandal

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
<Tab/>Indeed, it is President Richard Nixon who comes to mind when we hear "Watergate". However, it is important to look at Nixon's history to understand his actions as President of the United States. Nixon first ran for office in 1960 against victorious President John F. Kennedy. Dismayed, Nixon in 1962 ran for the position of governor of California. Defeated once again, Nixon eager for power decided to reinvent himself with a new …

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…tolerance for tyrannies, not even within its own boarders and certainly not abroad. If President Nixon had been impeached thirty years ago, it would have proved that the American three branch government would be a success. It would have showed that Congress has the power to strike down on the Executive Branch when there is wrong doing. President Bush's actions and decisions might have been very different if this "historical event" were to take place.