Nixon Policy and Vietnam.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Computers and Cybernetics
After inheriting the Vietnam War from the Johnson administration in 1969, Richard Nixon set out on a mission to end it. In a speech, Nixon declared, "I'm not going to end up like LBJ, holed up in the White House afraid to show my face on the street. I'm going to stop that war. Fast." Unfortunately, Nixon did not fulfill his final part of the bargain by bringing the war to a quick close. The Nixon …

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…era and composed this work based on an assortment of unpublished government documents and various primary sources on Nixon's approach to dealing with Vietnam. He also confirmed the failures of the Cambodian and Laotion invasions to achieve decisive results and prolonging the war even further. He raises issues over the necessity of the Christmas bombings and concludes that it was perhaps unnecessary since the terms of the October and January agreements were virtually the same.