Nike/Adidas: Key factors that influence success of Nike and Adidas, Swot Analysis.

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Brand awareness is one of the biggest assets that athletic shoe companies as Nike, Adidas, Reebok, Fila can have. Brand awareness always brings a considerable advantage in getting consumer's attention and making a good place in that shoe market. If a well established brand name effectively mentions the messages of quality and dependability. Thus consumers will automatically go to that brand relying on the image that has been created when they don't have time to …

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…the price of providing technological solutions. 3. Strong competition from some of its major challengers in all branches of the business. 4. Increase in the Price of Raw materials. 5. Continuing challenges in import/export duties. 6. Nike's strong reputation in the footwear and apparel industry. 7. Threats to free trade and foreign currency fluctuations. 8. Possibility of distress from growing beyond its capabilities. 9. Losing serious ground to Nike in the Soccer industry, which Adidas has a stronghold on. 10. Emerging competitors.