Nike Shoe Factory controversy

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Nike Shoe Factory Controversy There has been a lot of controversy lately about the working conditions and low wages in overseas Nike shoe factories. This controversy has affected thousands of overseas workers, hurt the economy of Indonesia, decreased the gross revenue generated by the Nike Corporation, and lowered the overall opinion of the corporation. Nike has worked diligently to combat this controversy and help find a solution to end this controversy and help everyone involved. …

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…the U.S.) The New Yorker, April 26, 1999 v75 i9 p130(10). Dionne, E.J. Jr. A victory over Nike: and a win for sweatshop workers. Commonweal, june 5, 1998 v125 n11 p7(1). Jenkins, Holman W. Jr. Business World: The Rise and Stumble of Nike. Wall Street Journal; New York; Jun 3, 1998. Moberg, David Bringing Down Niketown: Consumers can help, but only unions and labor laws will end sweatshops. The Nation, June 7, 1999 v268 i21 p15.