Nike Corporation's Competitive Strategy

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Introduction The twenty-first-century realities of globalization, rapid changes in technology, increasing competition, a changing workforce, changing market and economic conditions, and developing resource shortages all increase the complexity of modern management. Whereas strategic planning was a competitive advantage in the past decade, it is a necessity of global thinking in this century. Planning strategically is certainly a new requirement in the global business world. In order to survive the new business challenge, global thinking and …

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…Framework for Integrated Risk Management in International Business," Journal of International Business Studies, 23(2), 311-331 Peters, J. (1993). "Business policy in action." Management Decision, p. 3 PR Newswire. Available at []. "Nike selects critical mass to bring Nike to the next level of online personalization San Diego Edu. Available at Nike Corporation Success, Company Description, Evaluation Shapiro, S. and A. Titman (1985). "A Integrated Approach to Corporate Risk Management," Midland Corporate Finance Journal, 41-56