Nike Case Study

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Pages: 11
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Introduction *Subject of the project The subject identified for this research project is the soccer boots of Nike, particularly the Mercurial. Nike was founded in USA and it is a global sports gear manufacturer. The company has four series of soccer boots, namely, Speed, 90 minutes, Tiempo, Training and Women's. The Mercurial belongs to the Speed series. It was introduced to the market in the summer of 1998, while the World Cup 98 was taken place in France. *…

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…company will have to keep a good balance between the fixed costs associated with distribution facilities, increasing costs associated with athlete endorsement contracts, increased levels of research and development costs with its profits in order to continue the annual increase in sales. *Bibliography 1. Nicholas Ind, "The Corporate Brand", Macmillian (1997) 2. Malcolm McDonald & Ian Dunbar, "Market Segmentation", Macmillian (1998) 3. Internet, (8/12/1998) 4. Internet (Nike annual report), (9/12/1998)