Nike- The Biggest Training Shoe Company

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
Nike- The Biggest Training Shoe Company Sports has become a widespread interest after World War One as a pursuit of physical health development and new found past time interest. Various trainers shoes were invented back in the 1870s by several companies and the launched of rubber shoes became a new revenue stream for basic product in United States. There was a sudden demand of sports shoes after World War Two where basketball as a sport …

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…year. Pop stars such as Oasis, the Spice Girls, Neneh Cherry and Madonna and their association with club culture have further promoted the status of the training shoes as fashion items. Nike with the slogan 'Just Do It', has become a global branding in the worldwide market. It has also passed into economists' vocabulary, using the company as an example of organization which operates flexibly across national borders, outsourcing aspects of it's business where appropriate.