"Night", by Elie Wiesel.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
"The Alienation of Eliezer" In the book Night, by Elie Wiesel, the assumptions made at concentration camps and in ghettos about the character Eliezer reveal the moral values of the surrounding society. In the book, Jews are treated inferiorly because of their religion and have to endure many hardships. Many things are compromised, and Eliezer has to learn to survive in this new environment. The religion of the Jews is one alienating factor. In the …

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…in God, with one reason probably being that it was almost a weakness to bEliezerve in a deity that would allow the concentration camps to happen. Another example of only the strong surviving were the inspections. If you weren't strong enough, you were killed off. When Eliezer's father became weak, Eliezer knew that he probably wouldn't survive, and when his father died, Eliezer felt that the reality that only the strong survived was indeed true.