"Night" by Elie Wiesel and "Hangman" by Maurice Ogden compared and contrasted.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Battle Against Evil Night by Elie Wiesel and "Hangman" by Maurice Ogden both make strong points of view towards the battle between mankind and evil. Wiesel's personal experiences give the reader very specific and down to the point accounts of the Holocaust. In contrast, Ogden musical poem gives the reader a very indistinguishable idea of what is taking place. One must examine rhyme over and over to be given the full impact of the poem. …

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…negative tone and mood that pull one closer to the battle of evil. The battle of mankind verse evil is expressed many ways thought out the context of Night and "Hangman". It is expressed in the narration with the use of real life experiences and awful occurrences. The subjects of two writings generally deal with the same thing, killing. The language usage, tone, and mood all present examples of the battle against the evil.