Night by Elie Wiesel

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Madame Shacter was screaming about the fire, the huge flames and the furnace that she could see. Then she was begging the people on the train to believe her but instead they gagged her and tied her up. In a way, Madame Shacter was prophesying about the crematories at the death camps, the huge flames and the furnaces that turn the Jewish nation into ashes. 'I believe profoundly. During the day I studied the Talmud, …

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…it is stated that all his hope for God's assistance ended. From here on he was moved to where he worked moving stones. From here he moved to Bunchenwald where before Elie's very own eyes, his father was killed. On the tenth of April the resistance movement in Buchenwald decided to act. They rose with weapons and started to fire. The SS fled and later on in that day, the American tanks liberated the camp.