Night book analysis

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
"Night" by Elie Wiesel <Tab/>The novel "Night" was written in 1955; it was originally named "And the World Remained Silent", a 900-page volume. The book was initially written in Yiddish and published in Buenos Aires, Argentina. After two years, it appeared again in a compressed, 127-page French version called La Nuit (Night). The book is generally about Elie's own journey from an innocent, twelve-year-old, Jewish boy through the holocaust. <…

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…in his eyes, as they stared into mine, has never left me." The Nazis transformed Elie into a living corpse, a shadow of his former self, and surrounded him with constant death and misery. They killed his family, degraded him to animal instincts, and denied him his humanity. No matter what revenge Elie and the other prisoners may seek from the Nazis, there is no way that they can undo what has already been done.