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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Language & Speech
Elie Wiesel's novel, 'Night', gives the reader a clear indication of the perceptions of inhumanity that were painful and unbelievably real in the deaths camps of Auschwitz and Buchenwald. It also signifies the shocking injustice that human kind is capable of and also has to deliver. Throughout this experience, Elie witnesses many examples of inhumanity and injustice such as the concentration camps, starvation, beatings, torture, illness, hard labour and the slaughter of young children. The …

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…Kaddish." Throughout the novel, it becomes evident to the reader that everyone starts lacking the normal human qualities such as kindness and pity and become cruel and selfish. 'Night' indicates the true meaning of 'mans inhumanity to man.' As days pass by the in the camps, the sensitivity towards the suffering of others just disappears. Elie Wiesel was not just a survivor of the Holocaust but also a survivor against extreme inhumanity and injustice.