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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
Night, by Elie Wiesel, is an epic portrayal of the Holocaust. The novel depicts the true-life story of Elie and his father, Cholmo, as they and their friends, family members and fellow Jews experience the true horrors of the Nazi death camps. As he and his father travel along the timeline of the Nazi oppression, they meet others like them who are also under persecution. The terror and brutality enforced by the German soldiers, kapos …

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…of the Nazi regime when he stepped into the grounds of the death camps. He had to endure brutality at its extreme to himself and his fellow Jews. At the end he fought himself to keep his will to live and to keep his faith in goodness. From the terrible events of the Holocaust, society has learned that such terror, brutality and persecution must never occur again and that racism and discrimination cannot be tolerated.